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Welcome to the Association for Molecular Pathology (AMP) 2022 Annual Meeting & Expo!


Message from the AMP 2022 Program Chair

I am excited to invite you to attend the Association for Molecular Pathology (AMP) 2022 Annual Meeting & Expo, which will take place November 1-5 in Phoenix, Arizona.  Please plan to join us on November 1 for Short Course Day, November 2 for Corporate Workshop Day, and November 3-5 for our Scientific Program.

AMP is the leading organization in the field of molecular diagnostics, and our annual meeting is widely considered the “premier gathering” of molecular professionals. As always, we will explore how cutting-edge technology and developments in molecular testing and diagnostics continue to have a major impact on patient care. The AMP 2022 Program Committee is planning an impressive program to spark dialogue and engagement amongst attendees and exhibitors from around the world, and we look forward to reuniting with friends and colleagues after a challenging few years.  
This website will be updated as more information becomes available. Please be sure to check back for all the latest information.
We look forward to seeing you in November!
Nirali M. Patel, MD


Why Attend?



If you have questions, please feel free to contact us!

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